Here is the code for “colorRampPaletteAlpha”, which can be helpful when creating a color palette. The two numbers after the # in the capture code indicate transparency.
Checked with R version 4.2.2.
See the command and package help for details.
#from Github source install.packages("devtools") devtools::source_url("") #Loading the scales package library("scales") #Get color code for specified transparency and color:addalpha command #Alpha value:alpha option show_col(addalpha("red", alpha = 0.1)) ###code##### function(colors, alpha=1.0) { r <- col2rgb(colors, alpha=T) # Apply alpha r[4,] <- alpha*255 r <- r/255.0 return(rgb(r[1,], r[2,], r[3,], r[4,])) } #Create a gradient palette with the specified color:colorRampPaletteAlpha command #Specify completion method:interpolate option;"spline","linear" show_col(colorRampPaletteAlpha(c("red", "yellow", "blue"), n = 20, interpolate = "spline")) ###code##### function(colors, n=32, interpolate='linear') { # Create the color ramp normally cr <- colorRampPalette(colors, interpolate=interpolate)(n) # Find the alpha channel a <- col2rgb(colors, alpha=T)[4,] # Interpolate if (interpolate=='linear') { l <- approx(a, n=n) } else { l <- spline(a, n=n) } l$y[l$y < 255] <- 255 # Clamp if spline is < 255 cr <- addalpha(cr, l$y/255.0) return(cr) }
Output Example
・addalpha command

・colorRampPaletteAlpha command:”spline”

・colorRampPaletteAlpha command:”linear”

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!