Introducing a package that is useful for creating single-color palettes.
Package version is 0.1.0. Checked with R version 4.1.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("tinter") #Installation of the scales package if necessary #install.packages("scales")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("tinter") #Create a single color palette: tiner command #Specify a base color: x option #Number of colors to create around a base color: steps option #Direction for creating light and dark: direction option; tints,shades,both TinCol <- tinter(x = "#008b8b", steps = 5, direction = "both") #Plot scales::show_col(TinCol, labels = TRUE, borders = "#a87963") #Lighten: lighten command #Specify the amount of adjustment:mount option; specify with 0-1 LtTinCol <- lighten(x = TinCol, amount = .5) scales::show_col(LtTinCol, labels = TRUE, borders = "#a87963") #darken: darken command DkTinCol <- darken(x = TinCol, amount = .5) scales::show_col(DkTinCol, labels = TRUE, borders = "#a87963")
Output Example
・tiner command

・lighten command

・darken command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!