Entrezは論文のデータベースであるPubmedでおなじみのNational Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)が開発した検索システムです。あまりにも有名なのでEntrezの説明はしませんが、論文だけでなく、SNPも含めた遺伝子情報のデータベースもあり、J-STAGE、JDreamⅢともに重宝しています。
パッケージのバージョンは1.2.3。実行コマンドはR version 4.2.2で確認しています。
#パッケージのインストール install.packages("rentrez")
#パッケージの読み込み library("rentrez") #データベースの一覧を取得:entrez_absコマンド entrez_dbs() [1] "pubmed" "protein" "nuccore" "nucleotide" "nucgss" [6] "nucest" "structure" "genome" "gpipe" "annotinfo" [11] "assembly" "bioproject" "biosample" "blastdbinfo" "books" [16] "cdd" "clinvar" "clone" "gap" "gapplus" [21] "grasp" "dbvar" "epigenomics" "gene" "gds" [26] "geoprofiles" "homologene" "medgen" "mesh" "ncbisearch" [31] "nlmcatalog" "omim" "orgtrack" "pmc" "popset" [36] "probe" "proteinclusters" "pcassay" "biosystems" "pccompound" [41] "pcsubstance" "pubmedhealth" "seqannot" "snp" "sra" [46] "taxonomy" "unigene" "gencoll" "gtr" #データベース要約を表示:entrez_db_summaryコマンド entrez_db_summary("gene") DbName: gene MenuName: Gene Description: Gene database DbBuild: Build230112-2235m.1 Count: 63762982 LastUpdate: 2023/01/13 17:52 #検索で使用できるオプションを表示:entrez_db_searchableコマンド entrez_db_searchable("gene") Searchable fields for database 'gene' ALL All terms from all searchable fields UID Unique number assigned to a gene record FILT Limits the records TITL gene or protein name WORD Free text associated with record ORGN scientific and common names of organism MDAT The last date on which the record was updated CHR Chromosome number or numbers; also 'mitochondrial', 'unknown' properties MV Chromosomal map location as displayed in MapViewer GENE Symbol or symbols of the gene ECNO EC number for enzyme or CAS registry number MIM MIM number from OMIM DIS Name(s) of diseases associated with this gene. When available, OMIM name will be used ACCN Nucleotide or protein accession(s) associated with this gene UGEN UniGene cluster number for this gene PROP Properties of Gene record CDAT The date on which this record first appeared NCAC nucleotide accessions of sequences NUID nucleotide uids of sequences PACC protein accessions PUID protein uids PMID PubMed ids of accessions linked to the record TID taxonomy id GO Gene Ontology DOM Domain Name DDAT The date on which the record was discontinued CPOS Chromosome base position GFN Gene full name PFN Protein full name GL Gene length XC Exon count GRP Relationships for this gene PREF Preferred symbol of the gene AACC Assembly accession ASM Assembly name EXPR Gene expression #キーワードで検索:entrez_searchコマンド #termはEntrezの形式がそのまま使用できます #データベースの指定:dbオプション #結果取得数の指定:retmaxオプション r_search <- entrez_search(db = "gene", term = "MTHFR AND Homo sapiens[ORGN]", retmax = NULL) #確認 r_search Entrez search result with 196 hits (object contains 20 IDs and no web_history object) Search term (as translated): MTHFR[All Fields] AND "Homo sapiens"[Organism] #データ構造の確認 str(r_search) List of 5 $ ids : chr [1:20] "7157" "348" "7124" "7422" ... $ count : int 196 $ retmax : int 20 $ QueryTranslation: chr "MTHFR[All Fields] AND \"Homo sapiens\"[Organism]" $ file :Classes 'XMLInternalDocument', 'XMLAbstractDocument' <externalptr> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "esearch" "list" #検索結果の要約を取得:entrez_summarコマンド #idは取得結果とデータが格納されているリスト名の組み合わせ GeneResult <- entrez_summary(db = "gene", id = r_search$ids) #確認 $`7157` esummary result with 20 items: [1] uid name description status currentid [6] chromosome geneticsource maplocation otheraliases otherdesignations [11] nomenclaturesymbol nomenclaturename nomenclaturestatus mim genomicinfo [16] geneweight summary chrsort chrstart organism #以下略 #例えば一番目結果のdescriptionを表示 sapply(GeneResult, "[[", "description")[1] 7157 "tumor protein p53" ###パッケージ公式ページより##### #特定キーワードの年代別論文数を取得コマンドを一部改変 #serch_yearコマンドの作成 search_year <- function(year, term){ query <- paste(term, "AND (", year, "[PDAT])") entrez_search(db = "pubmed", term = query, retmax = 0)$count } #年範囲を指定 year <- 2008:2022 papers <- sapply(year, search_year, term = "MTHFR AND Homo sapiens[ORGN]", USE.NAMES = FALSE) plot(year, papers, type = 'b', main = "MTHFR AND Homo sapiens[ORGN]:PAPERS", ylim = c(0, type.convert(max(papers))*1.2)) #特定キーワードの論文を取得し情報をまとめる SearchResult <- entrez_search(db = "pubmed", retmax = 10, term = "folic acid AND MTHFR") #ジャーナル名の取得 GetSummary <- entrez_summary(db="pubmed", id=SearchResult$ids) #タイトルを取得 sapply(GetSummary, "[[", "title")[1] 36637428 #"Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency and high dose FA #supplementation disrupt embryonic development of energy balance and metabolic #homeostasis in zebrafish." #作業フォルダにマークダウンしてHTMLテーブルで出力 #体裁は整えていません #entrez_summaryの結果はリストで返されます #通常のリストに対する操作でデータをいじれます cat(knitr::kable(sapply(GetSummary, "[[", "title"), row.names = TRUE, caption = "TEST table", col.names = c("TiTle"), format = "html"), file = "TEST.html", sep = "\n")
