実行コマンドはR version 4.2.2で確認しています。
#文字種の設定;base_familyオプション;初期値"Meiryo UI"
GGplot_a_heart <- function(fill = "red", alpha = 0.2,
text = "ハート", textcolor = "red", base_family = "Meiryo UI"){
## R-Code to generate a plot for the following equation
## y = x^(2/3) +/- sqrt(1 - x^2), which draws a heart
## In plain language, y equals x to the two-thirds plus or minus the
## square-root of one minus x squared
## Generate the x data to be plotted - this creates 20,001 x values
## x cannot be less than -1 or greater than 1 (lower or higher will
## create negative values in the square root... a no-no in math)
tmp <- -1.0
x <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:20001){
x[i,1] <- tmp
tmp <- tmp + (1 / 10000)
## I've created two y variables - one to handle the "plus" in the plus-
## or-minus statement and one to handle the minus.
y1 <- data.frame()
y2 <- data.frame()
## This loop generates the y values - the reason for the if statment is
## for some reason, R did not like the negative values getting raised
## to the 2/3 power
for(i in 1:20001){
y1[i,1] <- if(x[i,1] < 0){
(-x[i,1])^(2/3) + sqrt(1 - x[i,1]^2)
} else {
(x[i,1])^(2/3) + sqrt(1 - x[i,1]^2)
y2[i,1] <- if(x[i,1] < 0){
(-x[i,1])^(2/3) - sqrt(1 - x[i,1]^2)
} else {
(x[i,1])^(2/3) - sqrt(1 - x[i,1]^2)
## combine the values into a single data frame and name them
final <- cbind(x, y1, y2)
names(final) <- c("x", "ypos", "yneg")
## plot the result! I've removed the axes and frame to allow for a
## nicer picture
#plot(x = final$x, y = final$ypos, ylim = c(-1, 1.5), col = "red",
# xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE)
#points(x = final$x, y = final$yneg, col = "red")
ggplot(final, aes(x = x, y = ypos)) +
geom_ribbon(data = final,
fill = fill,
alpha = alpha,
aes(x = x, y = ypos, ymin = min(final$ypos), ymax = final$ypos)) +
geom_ribbon(data = final,
fill = fill,
alpha = alpha,
aes(x = x, y = yneg, ymin = final$yneg, ymax = max(final$yneg))) +
annotate("text", label = text, x = 0, y = max(final$yneg)*.8,
color = textcolor, size = 10, family = base_family) +
theme(line = element_blank(),
text = element_blank(),
rect = element_blank())
GGplot_a_heart(fill = "#a87963", alpha = 0.3, text = "義理チョコです。\n愛を込めて",
textcolor = "red", base_family = "HiraKakuProN-W3")

