In the past, we have introduced the “imager” and “EBImage” packages for image manipulation. Although these packages are useful, this package is recommended because it can easily perform the desired processing.
In addition to basic image loading, saving to a specific image format such as pmg, rotating, cropping, and resizing, you can also apply filters such as blur, noise, negative processing, and edge processing. Morphing and other processing is also possible.
I hope that you will check each execution command for yourself and realize the usefulness of this package.
Package version is 2.7.3. Checked with R version 4.2.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("magick")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("magick") #Loading images: image_read command #Load the banner "KARADA GOOD" from the web. #Of course, you can also load images from your local environment KaradaBanner <- image_read('') #Display image information: image_info command image_info(image = KaradaBanner) format width height colorspace filesize JPEG 986 149 sRGB 78164 #Converting Image Formats: image_convert command #Specify format: format option; png,jpeg,gif,pdf ConvertImg <- image_convert(image = KaradaBanner, format = "pdf") image_info(image = ConvertImg) format width height colorspace filesize pdf 986 149 sRGB 0 #Save image: image_write command #Specify a storage location using the tcltk package library("tcltk") setwd(paste(as.character(tkchooseDirectory(title = "Save Directory"), sep = "", collapse =""))) #Specify save file name: path option #Specify format: format option; png,jpeg,gif,pdf image_write(KaradaBanner, path = "test.pdf", format = "pdf") #Displaying images: image_browse command #Displayed by software set up in the system according to the image format image_browse(image = KaradaBanner) #Adding a border around an image: image_border command #Specify color: color option #Border thickness in pixels: geometry option; left/right x up/down image_border(image = KaradaBanner, color = "blue", geometry = "15x10") #Trimming images: image_trim command image_trim(image = KaradaBanner) #Crop image: image_crop command #Specify size position to crop: geometry option; #width x height {+-}X axis start position {+-}Y axis start position image_crop(image = KaradaBanner, geometry = "140x150+100-30") #Image resizing: image_scale command image_scale(image = KaradaBanner, geometry = "400x600") #Image rotation: image_rotate command #Specify angle: degrees option image_rotate(image = KaradaBanner, degrees = 30) #Flip image upside down: image_flip command image_flip(image = KaradaBanner) #Flip image left and right: image_flop command image_flop(image = KaradaBanner) #Image Fill: image_fill command #Specify reference point:point option #Specify boundary area: fuzz option; range from 0 to 100 image_fill(image = KaradaBanner, point = "200x130", color = "yellow", fuzz = 20) #Image blurring: image_blur command #Increasing the Radius and Sigma values results in more blur image_blur(image = KaradaBanner, radius = 1, sigma = 1) #Adding noise to an image: image_noise command #Specify noise treatment: noisetype option; #Uniform,Gaussian,Impulse,Laplacian,Poisson image_noise(image = KaradaBanner, noisetype = "Poisson") #Border the image:image_charcoal command image_charcoal(image = KaradaBanner, radius = 1, sigma = 0.5) #Oil painting of images: image_oilpaint command image_oilpaint(image = KaradaBanner, radius = 0.5) #Image edge processing: image_edge command image_edge(image = KaradaBanner, radius = 1) #Image Negativity: image_negate command image_negate(image = KaradaBanner) #Adding text to an image: image_annotate command #Specify text: text option #Specify text size: size option #Set display position:gravity option; #Forget,NorthWest,North,NorthEast, West,Center,East,SouthWest #Character background color: boxcolor option image_annotate(image = KaradaBanner, text = "Karada-Good", size = 70, gravity = "West", color = "green", boxcolor = "lightblue") #Combine multiple images into one: image_mosaic command #Loading the "KARADA GOOD" banner KaradaBanner <- image_read('') #Load R logo logo <- image_read("") #Merge and resize images img <- image_scale(c(logo, KaradaBanner), "300x300") #Plot image_mosaic(image = img) #Displaying multiple images side by side: image_append command #Display vertically: STACK option; horizontally with FALSE AppendImg <- image_append(img, stack = FALSE) image_background(image = AppendImg, "red") #Store between images with specified frames:image_morph command #Specify number of frames: frames option GifAnime <- image_morph(img, frames = 30) #Animating a "magick image object" created with #the image_morph command: image_animate command #fps: fps option #Repeat settings: loop option; 0 for repeat, 1 for do not repeat image_animate(GifAnime, fps = 10, loop = 0) #Reference_Add image to graph; same as raster image plot plot(cars) rasterImage(image_scale(KaradaBanner, "600x400"), 5, 100, 20, 120) #For ggplo2 package library("ggplot2") library("grid") #rasterGrob command RasterData <- rasterGrob(KaradaBanner, interpolate = TRUE) #Add annotation_custom command ggplot(data = cars, aes(speed, dist)) + geom_point() + annotation_custom(RasterData, xmin = 3, xmax = 20, ymin = 100, ymax = 120)
Output Example
Please try to run the other commands. It is very interesting.
・Image Negativity: image_negate command

・Reference_Add images to graphs: Combination with ggplot2 package

・image_animate comand

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!