This is an introduction to a package for plotting multivariate characteristics. I find this package very useful for interpreting data. It also includes a “ggmatrix” command that allows you to plot multiple ggplot objects.
Package version is 2.1.2. R version 4.2.2 is confirmed.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("GGally")
Execute command
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("GGally") ###Creating Data Examples##### n <- 50 TestData <- data.frame(Group = sample(paste0("Group", 1:5), n, replace = TRUE), Data1 = rnorm(n), Data2 = rnorm(n) + rnorm(n) + rnorm(n), Data3 = sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE), Data4 = sample(LETTERS[1:26], n, replace = TRUE)) ####### #Plot data features at once: ggpairs command #Specify display columns: columns option; default:1:ncol(data) #Specify color-coded data: mapping option #Specify upper and lower plot contents: upper,lower option:blank to hide ##Specify content as follows,list(variable type = display contents) ##variable type;display content ##continuous; "points", "smooth", "density", "cor", "blank" ##combo; "box", "dot", "facethist", "facetdensity", "denstrip", "blank" ##discrete; "facetbar", "ratio", "blank" ##na; "na", "blank" ##Specify diagonal plot content: diag option: NULL to hide ##continuous; "densityDiag", "barDiag", "blankDiag" ##discrete; "barDiag", "blankDiag" ##na; "naDiag", "blankDiag" ##maximum number allowed in string/factor string: cardinality_threshold option ggpairs(data = TestData, columns = c(1, 5, 2, 3), mapping = aes(color = Group), upper = list(continuous = "smooth"), lower = list(combo = "facetdensity"), diag = list(continuous = "barDiag"), cardinality_threshold = 30) #Plot multiple graphs: ggmatrix command #Specify number of rows: nrow option #Specify number of columns: ncol option #Specify x-axis labels: xAxisLabels option #Specify y axis labels: yAxisLabels option #Specify a title: title option #Descriptive graphs are stored in a list class PlotList <- list() list(for (i in 1:3) { #BoxPlot PlotList[[i]] <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Group, y = Data1, fill = Group, geom = "boxplot") #ScatterPlot PlotList[[i + 3]] <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Data2, y = Data1, color = Group, geom = "point") + ggtitle("TEST") }) #Plot ggmatrix(PlotList, nrow = 2, ncol = 3, xAxisLabels = 1:3, yAxisLabels = 1:2, title = "TEST")
Output Examples
・ggpairs command

・ggmatrix command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!