How about a break from analysis? This package contains interactive games of the Japanese GOMOKU-NARABE and Minesweeper. Note that Minesweeper in particular can be addictive.
Package version is 0.3. Checked with R version 4.2.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("fun")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("fun") #GOMOKU-NARABE: gomoku command gomoku(n = 19) #Minesweeper: mine_sweeper command if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") x11() else x11(type = "Xlib") mine_sweeper() #Create PASSWORD: random_password comannd random_password() [1] "H<97)r\\@'mq\"" #Result Hanoi puzzle: tower_of_hanoi command tower_of_hanoi(n = 3)
Output Example
・gomoku command

・mine_sweeper command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!