Color schemes are one of the most difficult things to worry about when presentetion. Here is a package that can help you solve your problem.
The color “#4b61ba” used is similar to the color used in Danmachi’s “God’s Example String”.
In addition, here are some color codes that can be used for color schemes in presentation materials.
・Playing with R: Could it be used for color schemes in presentation materials? Character hair color?
Package version is 0.2. Checked with R version 4.2.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("jiho/chroma")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("chroma") #Plot the specified color:show_col command #Array is x-directional, separated by "," is y-directional show_col(c("#e1e6ea", "#505457"), c("#4b61ba", "#a87963")) #Saturation adjustment:saturate,desaturate command #Saturation range:amount option;1-10 n <- "#4b61ba" show_col(c(saturate(n, amount = 5), n, desaturate(n, amount = 5))) #Color channel:channel command #Color channel:model option;rgb,hsv,hsl,hcl,lch,lab,cmyk channel(x = "#4b61ba", model = "rgb", channel = "g") g 97 #Enter CMYK numbers to obtain color code:cmyk command cmyk(c = .3, m = .2, y = 0.6, k = 0.1) [1] "#a1b85c" #check show_col("#a1b85c") #Color temperature:color_temperature command show_col(color_temperature(5200))
Output Example
・show_col command

・saturate,desaturate command

・cmyk command

・color_temperature command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!