This is an introduction to a package that contains 44 color palettes. It is an easy to use palette.
The included color palette is introduce in the run command and rmd file. Run the “install package” command before running the program. Note that it is recommended to run the program in RStudio.
The package version is 0.1.4. The executable command is RStudio Desktop 2021.09.2+382, R version 4.2.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("colormap") install.packages("tidyverse") install.packages("flexdashboard") install.packages("DT")
Check the command, Rmd file (encoding: UTF-8), and package help for details。
--- title: "colormap package" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns social: menu source_code: embed runtime: shiny --- ```{r global, include=FALSE} #Loading Libraries library("colormap") library("tidyverse") library("flexdashboard") library("DT") ###Create Data##### n <- 100 TestData <- data.frame("Group" = sample(paste0("Group", 1:5), n, replace = TRUE), "Data1" = sample(1:10, n, replace = TRUE), "Data2" = sample(LETTERS[1:24], n, replace = TRUE)) ######## #「colormap」package:Color palette Name: GgSColName <- c("jet","hsv","hot","cool","spring","summer", "autumn","winter","bone","copper","greys", "YIGnBu","greens","YIOrRd","bluered","RdBu", "picnic","rainbow","portland","blackbody","earth", "electric","viridis","inferno","magma","plasma", "warm","cool","rainbow-soft","bathymetry","cdom", "chlorophyll","density","freesurface-blue","freesurface-red", "oxygen","par","phase","salinity","temperature","turbidity", "velocity-blue","velocity-green","cubehelix") ``` Column {data-width=500} ------------------------------------- ```{r} selectInput('Colpal', 'Select Color Palette Name', GgSColName) sliderInput('ColNo', 'Select No:', value = 5, min = 5, max = 20) ``` ###Contains 44 color palettes: ```{r} renderDataTable({ ColCodeData <- data.frame("Color_Code" = as.character(colormap_pal(colormap = input$Colpal)(input$ColNo)), "Color" = "") datatable(ColCodeData, rownames = FALSE, options = list(pageLength = 10, lengthMenu = c(20, 40, 100))) %>% formatStyle("Color", valueColumns = "Color_Code", backgroundColor = styleEqual(ColCodeData[, 1], ColCodeData[, 1])) }) ``` Column {data-width=500} ------------------------------------- ###ggplot2:color ```{r} renderPlot({ ggplot(TestData, aes(x = Data1, y = Data2, col = Group)) + geom_point(size = 10) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = colormap_pal(colormap = input$Colpal)(input$ColNo)) + labs(title = paste0("Palette Name:", input$Colpal)) }) ``` ###ggplot2:fill ```{r} renderPlot({ ggplot(TestData, aes(x = Data2, fill = Group)) + geom_bar(stat = "count") + theme_bw() + scale_fill_manual(values = colormap_pal(colormap = input$Colpal)(input$ColNo)) + labs(title = paste0("Palette Name:", input$Colpal)) }) ```
#Show color palettes:colormap command par(mfrow = c(44,1)) par(mar = rep(0.01, 4)) for(i in seq(colormaps)) { barplot(rep(1, 72), yaxt = "n", space = c(0, 0), border = NA, col = colormap(colormap = colormaps[[i]]), main = sprintf("\n%s", names(colormaps[i]))) }
Output Example
・colormap command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!