This package can output charts that can be edited in Word and PowerPoint. You can create bar, line, scatter and area charts.
Package version is 0.3.1. Checked with R version 4.1.2. Checked with Office 365.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("mschart")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("mschart") ###Creating Data##### n <- 30 TestData <- data.frame("ID" = rep(c("KA", "RA", "DA"), each = 3, length = n), "Group" = rep_len(c("Group1", "Group2", "Group3"), n), "Point" = rep(1:10, length = n), "Value" = rnorm(n)) ######## #Four types of graphs that can be created: ms_XXXX command #The created graph is displayed with the print command, preview = TRUE #Group split: group option: no split with NULL #Bar chart: ms_barchart command TestBar <- ms_barchart(data = TestData, x = "ID", y = "Value", group = "Group") print(TestBar, preview = TRUE) #NoGTestBar <- ms_barchart(data = TestData, x = "ID", y = "Value", group = NULL) #print(NoGTestBar, preview = TRUE) #Line chart: ms_linechart command TestLine <- ms_linechart(data = TestData, x = "Point", y = "Value", group = "Group") print(TestLine, preview = TRUE) #Scatter plot: ms_scatterchart command TestScatter <- ms_scatterchart(data = TestData, x = "Point", y = "Value", group = "Group") print(TestScatter, preview = TRUE) #Area graph: ms_areachart command TestAreachart <- ms_areachart(data = TestData, x = "Point", y = "Value", group = "Group") print(TestAreachart, preview = TRUE) #Set graph type: chart_settings command #SetType: Grouping option; stacked: Stacked, percentStacked: 100% Stacked, #Clustered :Clustered; Bar and scatter plots, standard: Standard can be specified. #Overlap: Overlap command; -100 to 100 can be specified SetTestBar1 <- chart_settings(TestBar, grouping = "stacked", overlap = 50) print(SetTestBar1, preview = TRUE) #Formatting of X and Y axes: chart_ax_x,chart_ax_y command #Both of these command options are the same #Specify label position: crosses option; min, max, autoZero #Specify the position of tick marks and auxiliary tick marks: #major_tick_mark and minor_tick_mark options; cross,in,none,out #Label rotation: rotation option; -360 to 360 can be specified #Numeric formatting: num_fmt option SetTestBar2 <- chart_ax_x(SetTestBar1, crosses = "min", minor_tick_mark = "cross", rotation = -45) SetTestBar3 <- chart_ax_y(SetTestBar2, crosses = "min", minor_tick_mark = "cross", num_fmt = "0.0", rotation = -45) print(SetTestBar3, preview = TRUE) #Set titles for graphs, X and Y axes: chart_labels command SetTestBar3$theme$main_title$ <- "Arial" SetTestBar3$theme$axis_title_x$ <- "Arial" SetTestBar3$theme$axis_title_y$ <- "Arial" SetTestBar4 <- chart_labels(SetTestBar3, title = "Title", xlab = "x title", ylab = "y title") print(SetTestBar4, preview = TRUE) #Specify fill color: chart_data_fill command #Set colors: value option SetTestBar5 <- chart_data_fill(SetTestBar4, values = c(Group1 = "#FDE4C0", Group2 = "#FFF7F3", Group3 = "red")) print(SetTestBar5, preview = TRUE) #Specify border colors: chart_data_stroke command #Options are common to chart_data_fill command SetTestBar6 <- chart_data_stroke(SetTestBar5, values = "yellow") print(SetTestBar6, preview = TRUE) #Example: Embedding and saving charts in a Word or PowerPoint file #install.packages("officer") library("officer") #Word:body_add_chart command doc <- read_docx() doc <- body_add_chart(doc, chart = SetTestBar6, style = "centered") print(doc, target = "Test.docx") #PowerPoint:ph_with_chartcommand doc <- read_pptx() doc <- add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme") doc <- ph_with_chart(doc, chart = SetTestBar6) print(doc, target = "Test.pptx")
Output Example
・ms_XXXX command

・Adaptation of the whole formatting command to the ms_barchart command

・Exsample: Editing after output to Word

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!