This package is useful for creating graphs that highlight specified areas. Commands from the ‘ggplot2’ package are available. A sample command to create a highlighted scatterplot without using this package is also presented.
Package version is 0.3.2. Checked with R version 4.1.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("gghighlight")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("gghighlight") ###Creating Data##### #Install the tidyverse package if it is not already present if(!require("tidyverse", quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages("tidyverse");require("tidyverse") } set.seed(1234) n <- 300 PointData <- tibble(ID = rep(1:5, len = n), Group = sample(c("A", "B", "C"), n, replace = TRUE), Time_A = abs(rnorm(n)), Time_B = log2(abs(rnorm(n)))) ######## #To set data highlighting: gghighlight command #Assigning plot labels: label_key option ggplot(PointData, aes(x = Time_A, y = Time_B, colour = Group)) + geom_point() + gghighlight(Time_A > .8 & Time_B < -4.5) + scale_colour_manual(values = c("#a0b981", "#47547c", "#9f8288")) + theme_bw() ###Example: Creating scatter plots without using the gghighlight package##### MendoiPointData <- PointData %>% #The use of the if_else and case_when commands is key #case_when is specified by ”conditional expression ~ result” mutate(col = if_else(Time_A > .8 & Time_B < -4.5, case_when(Group == "A" ~ "#a0b981", Group == "B" ~ "#47547c", Group == "C" ~ "#9f8288"), "gray")) %>% mutate(Label = if_else(Time_A > .8 & Time_B < -4.5, as.character(Group), "")) #The 'ggrepel' package for labelling # #Install the ggrepel package if it is not already present if(!require("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages("ggrepel");require("ggrepel") } #scale_colour_identity command is the key MendoiPlot <- ggplot(MendoiPointData, aes(x = Time_A, y = Time_B, label = Label, col = col)) MendoiPlot + geom_point() + geom_label_repel() + scale_colour_identity(guide = "none") + theme_bw() ########
Output Example
・gghighlight command

・Creating scatter plots without using the gghighlight package

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!