This is an introduction to the “ggplot2” package, which allows you to easily create graphs that focus on specific groups. For example, you can create a scatterplot that shows a particular group in color and other groups in black and white. It is a useful package.
Package version is 1.0.0. Checked with R version 4.2.2.
Install Package
Run the following command.
#Install Package install.packages("ggfocus")
See the command and package help for details.
#Loading the library library("ggfocus") ###Create Data##### #Install the tidyverse package if it is not already there if(!require("tidyverse", quietly = TRUE)){ install.packages("tidyverse");require("tidyverse") } set.seed(1234) n <- 50 TestData <- tibble(Group = sample(paste0("Group", 1:4), n, replace = TRUE), X_num_Data = sample(c(1:50), n, replace = TRUE), Y_num_Data = sample(c(51:100), n, replace = TRUE)) #Create base ggplot #Scatter plot Point_Plot <- ggplot(TestData, aes(x = X_num_Data, y = Y_num_Data)) + geom_point() #Bar chart Column_Plot <- ggplot(TestData, aes(x = X_num_Data, y = Y_num_Data, fill = Group)) + geom_col() #Line plot Line_Plot <- ggplot(TestData, aes(x = 1:50, y = Y_num_Data, group = Group, linetype = Group)) + geom_line() ######## #Attention in scatter plot: scale_color_focus command #Specify target: focus_levels option; specified by string #Specify color: color_focus option Point_Plot + aes(colour = Group, size = 5) + scale_color_focus(focus_levels = c("Group2", "Group4"), color_focus = c("red", "blue")) + guides(size = "none") #Attention in bar chart: scale_fill_focus command #Specify target: focus_levels option; specified by string #Specify color: color_focus Column_Plot + scale_fill_focus(focus_levels = c("Group2", "Group4"), color_focus = c("red", "blue")) #Attention in line plot: scale_linetype_focus command #Point to specify group, linetype for aes in the model #Specify target:focus_levels option; specified by string #Specify target linetype: linetype_focus option #Specify other linetypes: linetype_other option Line_Plot + scale_linetype_focus(focus_levels = c("Group2", "Group4"), linetype_focus = c(5, 1), linetype_other = 3) #Focus on symbol type and size: scale_shape_focus command & #scale_size_focus command ##scale_shape_focus command #Specify target symbols:shape_focus option #Specify symbols not in focus: shape_other option Point_Plot + aes(size = Group, shape = Group) + scale_shape_focus(focus_levels = c("Group2", "Group4"), shape_focus = c(18, 21), shape_other = 1) + ##scale_size_focus command #Specify target symbol size: size_focus option #Specify symbol size outside of target: size_other option scale_size_focus(focus_levels = c("Group2", "Group4"), size_focus = 7, size_other = 3)
Output Example
・scale_color_focus command

・scale_fill_focus command

・scale_linetype_focus command

・scale_shape_focus command & scale_size_focus command

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!